Monday, November 17, 2003

Have You Sold Out Yet?

Yes, even Elizabeth Spiers, the patron saint of all bloggers has admitted to selling out. then again, don't we all sell out sooner or later? Or, am I wrong on this? I mean, Johnny Depp lives in France, away from the whole star fucker capitol of the world, raises his child in relative obscurity, does intelligent and edgy films. But for every Depp, there is the John Favreau, king of the independent circuit and host of Dinner For Five, on the Independent Film Channel of all places. Of course Favreau caved at the chance to direct a Bif Fat Silly Hollwood Holiday Film called, Elf.

Then there is Nick Coppola, who was hailed for his quirky indie films, but leaped at the chance to play the alcoholic who falls for a hooker with a heart of gold in Leaving Las Vegas. We won't even mention Gone in 60 Seconds.

The Beatles and The Stones and even Dylan regularly sell their 60s tunes to The Man.

If Spy Magazine were still around -- or even Radar (where are ya Maer Roshan?) -- the cover story would almost certainly be "Have You Sold Out Yet?" It seems that everyone except David Lynch already has ...

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