Thursday, April 17, 2008

Rheumy-Eyed Byrd Plays On

Please Senator Byrd -- retire! Clearly Vermont Senator Leahy would do a more effective job on the Senate Appropriations Committee. He spent two hours on Wedesday telling his critics to shut up while, ironically, giving them, in the process, the most perfect C-Span recorded ammunition.

West Virginia's Methuselan Senior Senator -- who was this weekend parodied on SNL, after this blog -- was yesterday railing, in fine form, against the President's $108 million war supplemental. Not a good look. His rheumy, Sargasso Sea-green eyes barely moved. A foamy spittle forming on his lips. And his cloudy thoughts were lost as his face, lowering by the second, dipped into his notes and his voice was all but lost.

Oh, Senator Byrd ... desist.

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